So far our Rookies have shown they can play. The progress of Repko was one of the first signs of a resurgent Minor League program. Andre Ethier, Jonathon Broxton, Hong-Chih Kuo, James Loney, Willy Aybar and Russell Martin have us excited about the season. Now, Matt Kemp gives us a taste of a future not so far away. He just might be ready soon than expected. Today, Matt went 2 for 3 on this Holiday Monday afternoon. After getting his first major league hit after 3 strike outs yesterday, Kemp followed up looking more relaxed. With each at bat he looked less tentative. With each swing his stroke came into life. I look forward to game number 3 for Kemp.
Other hopeful Rookies soon to grace their presence in Los Angeles include Chad Billingsley and Joel Guzman. Billingsley could be a very solid pitcher for a very long time. Guzman, once he finds a position and learns some patience at the plate, can be an offensive juggernaut for years to come. As a great man once said, "the future is looking bright."
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