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Lastly, I know some you will hate this, but you have to admit it will forever be a part of Dodger Lore. There is no point in running away from it. It happened. It was crazy. And we'll be talking about it for years to come- no matter the final outcome of the series. As Vinny said in a recent New York Times Article:
"Here comes a throw on that runner and here comes another runner, and Lo Duca is going to tag both of them out and the Dodgers become the Brooklyn Dodgers of old,"” Scully said during the second inning of Game 1 of the Dodgers-Mets National League Division Series. He sprinkled in a tale about Babe Herman tripling into a double play - a joke about the bad old Bums. And he said, "We turn the clock back to the daffy days of the Brooklyn Dodgers."”Embrace it, own it and laugh it off!
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Also, that NY Times article brought something up I've always wondered about. The article ends with Vin's most famous call after Gibsons' walk-off homerun in game 1 of the 1988 World Series.
"“In a year that has been so improbable, the impossible has happened."”Did Vin Scully prepare this line just in case something fantastic or incredible occurred in the series (or if the Dodgers won the World Series), or was this a spur of the moment phrase. He answers it simply- the only way he knows how.
"“God, where did that line come from?"”
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