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Could this be? Has Santa actually decided to grant me my wish? Everything is so perfect right now. The team is running like the wind. The sluggers are killing the hide. The starters are a mixture between Supermen and Riddlers. The relievers are coagulating into a hardened Rock of Gibraltar. There is a sense of confidence that you can see in the manner of their play. They know they can win any game, at any time. This is some of the best Baseball I've seen in a long time. This is some of the best Baseball I've seen from the Dodgers in a long time.
Seven games in a row! 9 out of the past 10! 15 out of the last 18! Unbelievable! After all the turmoil over the past winter we are blessed with the chance to witness this kind of play. I definitely like what I'm seeing and will enjoy it while it's here.
Right now I'm crossing my fingers and hoping this will last. Baseball, as we all know, is not filled with certainty. It's much like life. It tends to ebb and flow as time goes by. Sometimes the sun shines and the birds chirp, but then the clouds can start to menace and the wolves come out of the dark. But you never know. Afterall, I haven't gotten a thing from Santa in a long time, so I figure, I'm due.