This is a hilariously video from Strong Bad Email about Trading Cards. (Link)
It's always great to poke fun at your favorite hobby. Sometimes I forget how it spurns from a childhood activity. It was something I did as a kid. I still remember getting my first wax pack after some persistent begging from me in the checkout line. My Mom was no match for the powers of childhood persuasion. I whined and the pack was mine. I wasn't that bad overall as a kid, but the sight of that wax paper wrapped package that afternoon was overwhelmingly powerful. I had to have the stick of petrified pink gum and the cards of my boyhood heroes. It was like having the game of Baseball in your hands. In a way, I guess you can say I still haven't grown up. I'm just a big kid.
Anyway, check out the link. It's great and funny.

Hat Tip: Jay from VBC Forum: