Below is what I would imagine a Blue Heaven would look like by Malingering
Below is a view from the right field upper reserve by blkmarket

Below is a view from the right field upper reserve by blkmarket

Each hobo nickel is unique as they were all individually hand carved, using the design of either the Indian or the buffalo as a base, and altering it to another design altogether. The Indian has been changed into clowns, women, other Indians, friends and loved ones, bearded men, ethnic figures, famous people, and self portraits. The buffalo has been turned into men with backpacks, and animals such as a donkey or elephant. The influence of the events of the times can be plainly seen as we view hoboes, servicemen in uniform, flapper girls, prisoners in chain gang garb, shopkeepers, and read dates, names, places, or other inscriptions put on the coins.
These nickels, carved by yesterday'’s homeless, were traded for meals, a place to sleep, a ride, or other favors. Some were carved with images of loved ones as mementos of better times, or to honor those lost to time.