
Friday, June 15, 2007

YouTube: New Dodger Videos

Today I thought I'd post some new Dodger themed videos from YouTube. The video below has some very good special effects.

YouTube Video Link:mastabingus:

If you listen to Kevin & Bean of KROQ then check out their day at the ballpark. Lightning is challenged to eat a Dodger dog an inning.

Lightning is kinda lame, eh. On top of that, you would think KROQ would put together some better videos than this. In fact, I can't figure out why I'm posting them. I must be bored.

YouTube Video Link: 1067KROQ:

Ms. Double December from various years are present at Dodger Day. There are a bunch of other folks as well, but who cares about them.

YouTube Video Link: 1067KROQ:

And, of course, how can I forget our very own Russell Martin and his tribute video pointed out by Inside the Dodgers.

YouTube Video Link: imhuerta: