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"When you approach a player," said Jeff Idelson, the Hall's vice president for communications and education, "they are stunned you are showing up at their locker."
In the Times Union piece both Lowe and Eckstein are highlighted.
Eckstein was just as shocked, if not more than Lowe."The Hall of Fame would like to have your jersey," Horn told him in the visitor's dugout tunnel.
Lowe returned moments later with a man and woman.
"These are my parents," he said. "Tell them exactly what you told me."
Story Link: TimesUnion.com:
Yhea, OK. About Koufax he adds.
Well, those are all good points. I guess you could count me in as a fan who refuses to hear about that other stuff. Anyway, he also names the most underrated players which he acknowledged was much more fun to write. Some of those underrated players include Yogi Berra, Steve Carlton, Frank Robinson, Bob Feller, Dick Allen and Richie Ashburn. He did get a smile from me though. JD Drew is listed as overrated.
"The thing he's done best throughout his career is find a way to get paid," said Stark. "To me, that's the classic definition of overrated."Story Link: DelcoTimes.com: