Today, many would agree that Baseball has lost its luster these past several decades. Football has outpaced Baseball as America's number one sport.
The television rights to broadcast NFL games are the most lucrative and expensive rights of any sport.
Nevertheless, Baseball still packs the stadiums. Attendance is at record highs. It has enjoyed the longest tenure of rabid fans and, as a result, its' collectibles overshadow anything the other sports have to offer in the market.
(Above is the first home run ball ever hit in an All-Star Game. Of course, Ruth was the man who did it. Rank #6) has put together a story highlighting the 10 most expensive sports collectibles, and all 10 items are Baseball related.
What I find surprising about the list is that Mark McGwire's 70th home run ball claims the number one spot. At an auction price of $3,005,000.00 it ranks as the most expensive collectible every purchased. Unfortunately, as most would agree, the owner overpaid. It's probably worth 1/3 of that price.
Something that does not surprise me is that Babe Ruth related items stake claim to 5 of the top 10 most expensive collectibles.
Hat Tip: SCD:
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