A flurry of rumors has been swirling around the country that seemed unbelievable at first. Torre to the Dodgers? No way. It sounded like a New York Post daydream. Some news guy was sitting at his desk wondering, "what can I make up today?" "Can I sell more papers by printing the most outrageous story out there."
Come on now. Joe Torre to the Dodgers? Sure, he has a track record that includes a multitude of World Championships. He has proved he can captain a ship while navigating the rough oceans known as the Sea of Steinbrenner. His players trust and respect him.
But should he be a Dodger? I don't know.
A part of me yearns for yesteryear, when our coaches came from within the system- born and breed Dodger blue. They led our teams for years; heck decades. Stability was the most important facet of Dodger baseball. We knew that Alston and then Lasorda would always be there. We also knew that one of our stars from the heralded Dodgers of the 70's and 80's would eventually take over the reins. Whether it was Russell, Lopes, Scioscia, Yeager, Baker, or whoever. We knew the tradition would survive.
Unfortunately, tradition has been broken. Mike Scioscia left disgruntled, having been passed over, and found a home behind the orange curtain. Russell did not pan out as well as we could have hoped. Lopes and Baker have managed numerous teams, but have yet to come home to Los Angeles. Steve Yeager, our last connection to our past, remains in the minor league circuit waiting his turn.
Am I saying I wouldn't welcome Torre if he headed west towards our shores. Of course not. I think he could do as good a job as our current skipper Grady Little. I just hope this doesn't cause a wrinkle that can force my favorite candidate as future manager of the Dodgers to go elsewhere.
If the ownership is considering changing managers, then it should look no further than its own house. Steve Yeager can do it.
Photo Link: National Geographic:
Photo Link: Yanks Fan vs. Sox Fan: