Here is a group of 5 very rare Spalding trophies dating to the early part of the 20th Century.

And the talent is there. It has been there all along. Show a little faith - there's magic in the night.I Believe.
Leif and Leyland Topps are just twin brothers trying to get ahead in the rickety, unpredictable world of the sports card business, with a boss who doesn't like them, a Steinbrenneresque CEO and enough half-baked ideas to get them into consistent trouble. Sound familiar? Anyway, it's the basis for the new Web-only series Back on Topps, created and performed by twin brothers Randy and Jason Sklar
The service is provided on Game Days, starting 90 minutes before game time and concluding 60 minutes after the game ends.Additionally, it will be making 2 stops along the way on Sunset Boulevard. Go here for more info.
The fans would boo the Crab (when they weren’t throwing things at it), the players would abuse it with rosin bags and bats, and the Crab would give it right back on talk radio and taunt fans and management, even after it was retired in 1985 - barely a season after it had debuted. But over the last decade, The Crab has seen a surge in popularity among fans.
The Echus Chasma - described by Nasa as one of the largest water sources on the planet - is connected to a much bigger valley system called the Kasei Valles which extends thousands of miles to the north.
Was your rooting interest in the Tribe limitted to watching as little as one game a week and wearing some MLB merchandise as well? If that's the extend to your fandom, haven't current bids already exeeded the value of what you have offered? As an Indians fan who understood the imputus for the trade of CC, good luck with you auction, but once your services are complete, don't bother comimg back to the tee-pee.(Hat Tip: Lion In Oil)
On May 2, 1957, Dodger owner Walter O'Malley takes a 50-minute helicopter ride to view prospective sites for Dodger Stadium. From left is Los Angeles County Supervisor Kenneth Hahn; Undersheriff Peter Pitchess; Del Webb, co-owner of the New York Yankees; O'Malley; and pilot Capt. Sewell Griggers at Biscailuz Center. Only O'Malley and Capt. Griggers took the helicopter ride over the Los Angeles area in the two-seat Sheriff's helicopter. It was only O'Malley's third visit to Los Angeles.
According to an NHL source, the Chicago Blackhawks and Detroit Red Wings will participate in the league's second outdoor Winter Classic on New Year's Day.Last year they held the inaugural event at Ralph Wilson Stadium, home of the Buffalo Bills, in a match between the Pittsburgh Penguins and the Buffalo Sabres. It was one of the best hockey games I saw last year on TV. It was freezing cold, but 71,217 enthusiastic fans showed up. This year they will be playing at Wrigley Field- home of the Cubs.