Below are a few pics from the 1971 Ticketron 20 card Dodger set. This promotional offering measures 6' x 4' and features the entire season schedule and promotional schedule on the back. I'm not sure how they were originally distributed, but I imagine they were given out at Ticketron kiosk throughout the Southland.
My favorite card, by far, is the Vin Scully/ Jerry Doggett. For the tandem, who have been so instrumental to the rabid Dodger fanaticism that exist today, this card is well deserved. How often are broadcasters put on trading cards or collectibles?

I believe the below Steve Garvey card is a rookie card.

My other favorite card in the set is the Richie Allen. Look at the size of his bat. It almost rivals that bat the Hollywood All-Stars would show off in those celebrity games years ago. Remember when Kareem Abdul Jabbar and "The Hulk" Lou Ferrigno used that bat? Ok, I'm exaggerating. That Hollywood Stars bat was massively huge. BTW, what ever happened to that bat?

Check the rest of the set in my
photoalbum here.
Photoalbum Link: 1971 Ticketron Dodgers: