Jantz was rummaging through some vintage singles when he came across a Red Murray T206 portrait card. But something was wrong with it. It appeared to have a printing problem at the bottom that no doubt caused his heart to stutter.
Could this be? How can I be so lucky? I must be dreaming. This is what I imagine was going through his mind. After all, numerous other collectors and dealers must have already searched through this pile.
What Jantz found was a variation of the card considered by many to be the rarest of all in the T206 set. I know it's hard to see in the pic, but notice that his last name, Murray, is not entirely complete. It actually reads "Murr'y." The complete letter "A" is missing as all that can be seen is the top portion of the letter that looks eerily like a apostrophe. This printing mistake, no doubt caused by a busted printing plate, translates into a significant find and financial windfall. A common card that may sell for $20.00 or so has suddenly turned into a $8,000.00 card. (A SGC 50 sold 2 years for more than $8,800.00)
Congrats Jantz. That's a find of a lifetime.

Hat Tip: Cardinformant.com:
Hat Tip: Net54:
It's great that he knew what to look for. Nice story.