I've been such a boob. I haven't posted a Card of the Week for awhile. Above is a 1996 Upper Deck card featuring roommates Eric
Karros and Mike Piazza enjoying a healthy breakfast of corn flakes and donuts. Cardboard skipper Tommy
Lasorda watches on in glee, no doubt peddling a can of
SlimFast. After all, when was the last time Tommy was that skinny.
I don't quite know if the card is a special insert or a subset from the 1996 Upper Deck set, but I do know that it was photographed by V. J.
Lovero, of Sports Illustrated. He was also a team photographer for the Angels and the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim.
Lovero died in 2004 at the age of 44 from cancer.
i've seen another photo from that session where karros and piazza are pretending to feed lasorda.