- Here is a great story in Baseball Digest recounting the "water world" experience between the Dodgers and Giants during the 1962 season.
During the 1962 season, Maury Wills was wreaking havoc on opposing teams while setting a (then) major league record of 104 stolen bases. However, in that three game stretch in San Francisco Wills failed to tally a single one. During the series the Dodgers claimed the Giants were watering down the basepaths in efforts to neutralize the advantage of the stolen base speedster that was Wills.
- O'Malley talks about his love of Vero Beach.
“Would have,” he said. “Not could have. Would have.
“I would have found another way to generate the revenue they’re generating in Arizona.”
- Love those Big Lebowski cards. From Punk Rock Paint.
Here is Cardboard Junkies and Achiever Card Blog 1, 2, 3, contributions.
- Mario recounts some childhood memories as he morns an old friend. Mario's blog, Wax Heaven, is unquestionably the best card collector blog on the net.
- Are you a Mantle collector? Then check out Sports Collectors Digest series on Mickey Mantle and the collectibles that surround him.
- I hate to hit a guy while he's down, but this one is too easy. Besides, I love making fun of a Yankee. Wax Heaven shares a homemade ARod Baseball card.
- Here a video of Dolphins at Sea World tripping out over a robotic toy dinosaur. Fast forward to 1:46.
YouTube Link: sirensgrotto: