Box Score
As the Laker game against the New Orleans Hornets had came to about..1 minute left, the Lakers were losing by like 9 and the game was pretty much over. So Rental Man decided to get up and rap and dance like crazy as usual. The guy behind him said loudly "Hey! I paid $185 to see the WHOLE game, I dont care if they're losing. SIT DOWN!"Hat Tip: Life in Hockeywood:
Rental Man didn't listen, so the guy says again: "I'm serious SIT down!" Rental man DIDN'T listen. So the game ends and everyone is walking up the stairs and the guy shoves Rental Man and says "Whats your problem, Idiot?!" Rental Man, crazy as ever, waves his arms around like a lunatic and raps the following "Yo! We both have white skin, we gotta stay till the END!" Without warning, the guy cocks his fist back, and lands a haymaker of a right hook, dead on, in between Rental Man's eyes. Knocks him OUT. Completely...unconcious.
Security rushes and grabs the dude. I'll never forget it as long as I live, LOL. You know that guy that's always with Rental Man?..Thats his ATTORNEY! All this time he had been on hand in case such a thing happened and it never did, till Tuesday, lol. He kept yelling to the police "We want to press charges! We ARE pressing charges, you got that!?"