
Thursday, May 14, 2009

Blog Bat Around: Why Do I Do What I Do?

Here we go again. It is time for the 6th Blog Bat Around. As some of you may know this is an opportunity for bloggers who write about sports collectibles and cards to share a little bit about themselves. This time Gellman at Sportscards Uncensored gets it started. He ask a very simple question. Why do I blog and why collectibles?

Once upon a time I was trudging along in the internet wilderness when I came across these websites folks were calling blogs. They were diary-like ramblings for all to see. Subject matters was varied- from politics to food to sports. I suddenly found myself hooked and addicted to many once unknown writers and their thoughts.

Then I discovered blogger and realized that making my own blog was easier than making an apple pie, so, I jumped head first into that brave new world. Initially I was unsure about what I would write about. Then, the answer became obvious. My very first post in April 2006 tells the story.
OK.. so i'm sitting here at the office think'n... ya know, I should make a blog... but about what? I ask myself... Well... I love the Dodgers ... and Baseball... and i'm a fanatical collector of everything Dodgers.. so... why not mix the two... I should express my insane thoughts about the Dodgers and their chances for greatness this year with my passion for buying anything Dodgers... am I sick or twisted or what?????
And that is it. I was bored with probably far too much free time. I had all of this excess energy that always seemed to focus on my childhood passion for the Dodgers and collecting. So, blogging about those two things was only natural.

Gellman also ask what is our favorite post. Well, there are 2 different post that I really enjoyed writing. One had to do with my love and respect for voting and another is a fantasy driven post featuring a crush I've had since puberty and one of the most incredible evenings of my life at Dodger Stadium. Check them out here and here.

eBay: Finding Solace

Amid all of the rancor and disappointment felt by the Dodger Nation over the past week we can at least sit back on our couch and enjoy that shelf of collectibles you have sitting in the corner. Heck, you can even window shop at a store called eBay to check out some some Dodger items you've never seen before.

Below is one of those items. Here is a vintage 1960's LA Dodgers doll that stands 11 inches tall and appears to be in fair condition- it has some staining on the front. This doll made its way to Washington, but is begging to come home to the southland. With just a few hours left in the auction (as of this posting) it is begging for a bidder.

At flea markets, garage sales and on eBay you can find a whole bunch of vintage store model Baseball gloves to enjoy, play with or display. Rarely do you find a vintage glove with the original box that dates to 1955. This auction features just that. Here is a store model Baseball glove that remains in pristine condition and in it's original box of Dodger Billy Loes. It sold for $51.00.

Every once in awhile you run into vintage photographic slides for sale on eBay. Here is an example of a great action shot featuring the Sandy Koufax on the mound. What's great about this photo is that it appears Sandy is reaching for a ball that has been hammered his way by the batter. I wonder if he was able to snag it? It sold for $31.00.

Here is another great looking late 1950's press photo of Hall of Famer Don Drysdale. He is in a classic follow-through pose. It sold for an affordable $19.00.

Collection: 1984 Union Oil Most Memorable Moments: 1965 World Championship

Here is the 1984 Union Oil Most Memorable Moments sheet commemorating the 1965 World Series Championship.
(Click the pic to enlarge)

Artwork by Paul Kratter.

Check out the rest of the set here in my photoalbum, or the following link with my post about each sheet.