So, I bring to you some choice items from's soon to be closing auction.
The Brooklyn faithful really loved their Dodgers. So much so, it was not unusual for the fans to bring cakes and presents to Dodger players and staff on their birthdays. Below, coach Charlie Dressen is enjoying his birthday cake with the help of Pee Wee Reese, Jackie Robinson, Billy Cox and Bob Milliken. This is a press wire photo that dates to 9/20/1953.
Here is another press photo featuring a dapper Roy Campanella welcoming Pee Wee Reese and his family to Spring Training. It is date stamped at April 5, 1954 and is a International News Photo.
There is nothing like peering through a vintage autograph book to see who you might find. In this auction lot we see a well used autograph book, circa 1955, with many autographs of New York and its surrounding boroughs greatest players. Below is Don Newcombe.

This framed 1974 TCMA Brooklyn Dodgers Greats set is nice. Having almost the entire set autographed is nicer. There are 22 total signatures that feature everyone from Pee Wee Reese, Snider and Erskine to Cal Abrams and Jim Hughes. Unfortunately, the Campanella is a stamped auto, but I wouldn't fret. This would look great in any one's collection room.