- Here is another great custom card from The Custom Card Blog. Billingsley on a 1982 Donruss design.
- Jo Anna volunteered at the ThinkCure! telethon and has photos to prove it. Check it out.
- Charlie Haeger in a new custom Goose Joak original card. He has become my new pitching hero.
- My good friends, Rob and Nancy, recently went to Disneyland and posted a trip report complete with pics on MiceChat.
Below is my favorite photo of all- complete with a mellow Yoda. Oh yhea, I apologize for the Angels hat. I guess there is no accounting for taste. The funny thing is that he grew up in LA County and became a Angels fan, while I basically grew up in Orange County and remain true to the boys in Blue.
- Here is a great article about Chan Ho Park and his transition from starter to reliever in the Phillies bullpen. It all came together for him during a West Coast swing through LA.
- Bob Lemke shares a new discovery- a 1952 Ponca City, Oklahoma Dodgers Class D Minor League Baseball cards made by Globe Printing.
- Rob L gives a nice rundown of the evolution of the Baseball in the 1800's at the Net54Baseball message board.
- Get your own torture team cards here. Get one complete set for free. (Hat Tip: A Cardboard Problem)
- Upper Deck interviews Andrew Long, creator of the "Packs to the People" video box break series. He puts together the best video box breaks around. See them here.
- Former Vikings football player, Onterrio Smith, has his infamous Whizzinator being auctioned off (Randball). Apparently, it was confiscated at an airport and would presumably be used to pass a drug test. (Hat Tip: Deadspin) Go to the links to get to a picture of it. I would have posted it, but it just ain't appropriate looking and is definitely NSFW.
- World Champions and Tommy was a catalyst.
I told them that if they all get on one end of the rope and pull together that they could pull the rest of the teams with them.
The 16 and under Team USA won the gold medal. Read more about if from Tommy Lasorda's World.
YouTube Link: takapaiki: