I have tried to stay away from the ownership mess that seems to be circling around the Dodgers, but a rumor came to light today (via
Vin Scully is My Homeboy) that has my mind going in circles.
Peter O'Malley is interested in buying back the Dodgers.
Yes, you heard it right. The O'Malley family may be the newest suitor for the team, and I couldn't be more elated.
Why, you ask?
- Well, one thing would be for sure, if they came back, we would never have to worry about our Minor League development organization. The O'Malley's were one of the first groups to really champion player development back in the day, and I suspect they would want to grow and expand the teams currents efforts.
- They have always been a fiscally prudent group, so don't expect Yankee-like spending from the O'Malley's. Some fans may look at this as a negative, but I do not. Baseball the "Dodger Way" has never been about signing overpriced veterans at exorbitant prices. The "Dodger Way" is about family. That means developing from within and keeping them in Blue. That is how you build brand loyalty. That is how you build championships. That is what I remember about the Dodgers of my youth.
- A fiscally prudent Dodgers would mean a team not laden with debt that would embarrass a Wall Street banker. Although I marvel at the financing structure undertaken by the McCourt's (trading some parking lots for the Dodgers was brilliant), I dislike that our team is owned by someone who really can't afford it.
Unfortunately, this may all come to pass. It appears that the McCourt's will ride this out as long as they can, but I hope that once the writing on the wall become more apparent they will choose to do the right thing.
Sell the team before you destroy the team.