
Thursday, January 14, 2010

eBay: More Dodger Auctions

Here some more Dodger related eBay goodness.

This is a rather incredible item. Unfortunately, the eBay seller does not provide much background about how it was attained so who knows if it's real. Nevertheless, it's very interesting. Below is a 57.9 troy ounce silver Baseball made by the uncle of Wes Parker and given to Wes by his father as a gift to commemorate his career. It sold for $1,036.00.

Don't eat this popcorn. It is over 20 years old. Below is a Tommy Lasorda endorsed bag of microwavable popcorn that was purchased for the super low price of $0.99. Wow!

The day before the first day of the 1949 season the Dodger Knot Hole Club held their annual "Welcome Home Dinner" for the team. It looks like everyone was in attendance; from the coaches to the players. Below is a program cover for the event.