I really do not know much about these cards. In fact, I would have totally ignored them if not for a recent a
Wall Street Journal article I read that said that this class of cards made up 25% of all Topps revenue and profits. That's pretty good for a card set that really isn't even a Baseball card. What they are is a kind of D&D-Pokemon card game kids play, and since 2007 they have sold over 100 million packs. That's a 1 with 8 zeros.
I'm still racking my brain thinking about that.
Anyway, below are the Dodger base cards from this card game, minus Orlando Hudson. Since he is no longer with the team I won't spend the time to search it out, but I am happy that the pic below has 2 Loney's in it. He's been on fire lately (not as hot as Kemp and Ethier, but I digress).

There are even special insert cards that you can grab such as the Kemp and Manny Superstar cards, and Ethier and Kershaw Hot Streak cards below.
I have no idea how to play this game, so the numbers look Greek to me. I have figured out that the higher the number the better the card play. That much seems obvious.

This Legends card of Jackie Robinson has to be the best card in the set.

So, does anyone's kids play this?