
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Blue Satin Heaven

I know I've shown a game-used jersey like this before, but how can I not highlight these glow in the dark garments whenever they show up. Above and below is a satin fabric game-used Dodger jersey from 1944 once worn by manager Leo Durocher.

As the story goes, night Baseball had come to Ebbets Field and it was thought that these reflective jerseys might help spectators see the ballplayers on the field. Instead, I imagine it just embarrassed the Boys in Blue. Considering their terrible 63-91 record that year it probably gave them bad luck. They never wore them again after the 1944 season. From the current Mile high Card Company Auction.

Dodger Doll

Here is a great vintage toy doll and Brooklyn Dodgers pin from the 1950's on eBay. I am pretty sure pins like this were often sold with similar dolls, but this appears to be incomplete. In photos I've seen of concessionaires outside of Ebbets Field they would have a large piece of cardboard with the pins attached. The pins would have a ribbon attached at the bottom and a chain link connecting the doll to the pin. So, it appears this is missing a couple of ingredients. Nevertheless, it's a great unusual vintage item.