This brings us to an interested post left earlier today. I don't quite know what to think about this. This morning I came across a blog post at the Left Field Pavilion promoting a fan protest for Monday, August 30, 2010 at the steps of the LA Superior Court building. This is suppose to be the day of the official start of the McCourt divorce proceedings. I imagine it may be a raucous affair. On the other hand, you might be the only one there with a sign.
I dunno. It would nevertheless be fascinating to see Dodger Nation out there in force.
Anyway, go check out the Facebook page promoting the event.
In other news much less important, no doubt. I am making some minor tweaks to the website that includes removing many of the links on the sidebar from the main page and moving them over to a new page accessible up top. You can already see the new page links for "Hobby/Forum/Research Links" and the "Blogroll" right next to the "About Me" link.
I figured the main page was looking way to cluttered, so some housecleaning was in order. I will likely, though, be keeping all of the Dodger related links on the main page.
If you have any suggestions or comments please pass them along. This mans eye isn't exactly trained in aesthetics.