UPDATE: I just realized that the ESPN embed script is screwed up, so just click here to see the video.
"If the small and big boys of Brooklyn find it a pleasure to shout at me, I have no objections. No matter where we play, I go through the same ordeal, and at the present time I am so used to it that at times I forget to smile at my tormentors, believing it to be part of the game." (Brooklyn Eagle, May 1897)Later that year he went on to play for the Cleveland Spiders, but lasted only three years in the show. Problems with alcoholism had cut his career short. As is legend, the Cleveland team was named after him, but the historical record shows otherwise. The team name, Indians, was chosen through a contest held by a local newspaper.
"Louis Sockalexis had the most brilliant career of any man who ever played the game. At no time has a player crowded so many remarkable accomplishments into such a short period of time as Sockalexis. He should have been the greatest player of the times — greater than Cobb, Wagner, Lajoie, Hornsby or any of the other men who made history for the game." - Hall of Famer Hughie JenningsBTW, it sold for $810.00.
"If Sock had stayed up for five years he could well have been better than Cobb, Wagner or Ruth." - Hall of Famer John McGraw
“In fact, at all times, Upper Deck was fully aware that Abdul-Jabbar had never authorized Upper Deck to use his photograph, name and signature for college-themed cards, and Abdul-Jabbar had previous rejected Upper Deck’s request for such authorization.”Morons!