
Sunday, November 06, 2011

Dodgers Pics on Twitter

I feel exhausted. What else can you do to wind down after a week filled with Dodger news then to check out twitter for some Dodger pics? Here are some of my favorites.

Who is sporting their brand new Dodger Skeechers? Well it's Tommy Lasorda, of course.

Here is an adorable Dee Gordon.

Spiderman, Javy Guerra, is seen here celebrating his birthday with his Nephew on Halloween.

These next 2 pics from twitter are from Jon Weisman of Dodger Thoughts. As you can see, he was at the 1981 Dodgers Reunion show at Frank & Sons this past Saturday. BTW, if anyone has more pics from this weekend event, please pass them along. I'd love to post them up. Below, Ron Cey is signing a pic right next to a 1981 World Series trophy.
(Pic Link: @DodgerThoughts twitter)

Dusty Baker appears to be taking a short break.

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