No matter what you thought of him you can't deny that he was a one of the most entertaining players around. He could hit the ball a mile and with all of the confidence in the world- illegal doping notwithstanding. I would be hard-pressed to think of someone who smiled more than him at the game. He was a big kid out there on the field and I think, overall, the fans (no matter where he played) appreciated that. We loved his smile, his personality and I, for one, will miss him.
Although his chances at immortality are diminished greatly (probably no Hall of Fame for you!), I think he will always be remembered fondly for being a winner wherever he played (except for Tampa, of course... and Chicago). Here is the story from ESPN.
"The Tampa Bay Rays were informed today by the commissioner's office that Manny Ramirez has decided to retire after being informed of an issue under the drug program," the Rays said in a statement. "We are obviously surprised and disappointed by this news. We will have no further comment on this matter, and our fans and organization will carry on."In other words, he failed another drug test. Oh, Manny!
(Pic Link: flickr pvsbond)
Kevin & Bean at KROQ had a great recurring bit featuring a fake Manny Ramirez. Check out one episode below.
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