
Friday, May 13, 2011

Auto Collection: Johnny Podres Leather & Lumber

Johnny Podres was the savior of the 1955 Brooklyn Dodgers. After many years of trying and failing to defeat the behemoths that were the Yankees, all that was needed was the exploits of this 22 year old kid. He won 2 important games, including game 7, and forever stamped his legacy into Baseball lore.

Here is a great ensemble of autographed inserts cards featuring Podres from 2005. It is Donruss's Leather & Lumber cut autographs.

Hello There

After nearly a full day without the ability to post, I think everything is back... Hopefully!

Unfortunately, I think I lost a post. Never mind, though, check out the below pic to remind those of you who were thinking of seeing Barajas today.