Here are todays Daily Conlon cards numbered 244 through 252, and it features Hall of Famer and former Brooklyn Robin Rube Marquard on the bottom row, far right. Click on any pic to embiggen.
The Marquard is a All-Time Leader card highlighting his incredible 1912 season where he won an unbelievable 19 consecutive games to start the season for the New York Giants. He finished off that season leading the Giants to the pennant with 26 wins and a 2.57 ERA. No doubt, it was a season any pitcher would die for. Of special note,
"during Rube's 19 game streak, he relieved in the 8th inning of a game the Giants ultimately won. Present-day rules would have credited him with the victory, and he would have posted a consecutive streak with 20 games."
For a game by game rundown of his streak
go here. Other accomplishments by Marquard include a no-hitter thrown against the Brooklyn team on April 15, 1915. On top of that, later that season this Giants pitcher orchestrated his own trade to the Brooklyn Robins to be with his old coach Wilbert Robinson.