It is just plain awesome that Dodgertown, now dubbed Vero Beach Sports Village, will continue to be in operation. From a
press release from Minor League Baseball:

Minor League Baseball™ announced today the formation of a new entity to operate Vero Beach Sports Village (VBSV), formerly known as Dodgertown. In addition to MiLB, the participants include former Dodger President Peter O’Malley, his sister, Terry Seidler, and former Dodger star pitchers Chan Ho Park and Hideo Nomo.
Each of the five participants would have an equal ownership share in the new entity. O’Malley would be the Chairman and CEO, MiLB President Pat O’Conner President and COO and Craig Callan will continue in his current role in the operation of VBSV. Callan has worked for 33 years at the historic facility.
“This combined effort of Minor League Baseball, the O’Malley and Seidler families and members of our extended baseball family will undoubtedly have a positive impact on Vero Beach Sports Village ,” O’Conner said. “Peter O’Malley and his family have a long and storied history in Vero Beach and baseball in general, both domestically and internationally. “Chan Ho Park and Hideo Nomo provide insight from a player’s perspective, as well as enormous credibility in Asia and the Pacific Rim . We believe this new partnership will enhance our ability to utilize the facility for local, domestic and international sports programs as we continue to attract an array of visitors.”
“I embrace this wonderful opportunity to use this iconic facility that my family has cherished for decades to promote baseball,” said O’Malley. “ Vero Beach Sports Village should always be an asset and a jewel to the citizens of Vero Beach and Indian River County and I look forward to adding further luster to its rich history.
“We know the Dodgers have a long-term spring training commitment with the community of Glendale, Arizona , and our endeavor in Vero Beach in no way impacts that relationship.
“I am very happy longtime friends Chan Ho Park and Hideo Nomo have joined me in this opportunity – it’s exciting. Dodgertown will always be a treasure for the good people in Vero Beach and throughout baseball and anything I can do to help Dodgertown flourish is high on my list of things to do.”
Nomo had this to say:
“Being a part of the group that will operate a facility that provides youths with resources they can use both on and off the field is extremely rewarding,” Nomo said. “Those who come to the facility can improve not only as athletes through tournaments and training, but can also develop skills to help them mature into young men and women.”
Chan Ho Park's comments:
“I have many fond memories of Dodgertown from my nine seasons playing for the Dodgers,” Park remarked. “I love it there and look forward to seeing many teams and individuals enjoy all of the unique features of the complex and take full advantage of the amenities it has to offer, as I did when I trained and played there.”
I wonder if this has any meaning regarding the upcoming Dodger sale. Does this negate a potential O'Malley return, or does this make it more likely since the old crew appears to be replanting their roots?