
Thursday, May 03, 2012

Heritage Auctions: The Jerry Doggett Collection

Vin Scully didn't always broadcast alone in the Dodgers press box.  At one time he had a able sidekick who was there to add some flavor to the story being woven.  That other half was also originally cast from the borough of Brooklyn and came out west with Vin to broadcast Dodger games.  From 1956 to 1987 Jerry Doggett was the straight man to Scully's poetic verse.  They were like a comedic duo as one man played second banana to the other.  It was a joy to listen to, and I have to admit that I miss the repartee that existed back then.   

Anyway, I bring up Jerry Doggett because of a collection I ran into that is being sold through Heritage Auctions.  Right now, in what looks like Doggett's entire Baseball collection, are some of his Dodger artifacts.  Below, I feature just a couple of items (his 1959 WS ring and 1981 WS trophy) but there is so much more available.  Here is a list:  WS Rings (1959, 1963, 1981); NL Championship Rings (1974, 1977, 1978); and All Star Ring (1980).  It closes in just a few days so if you're in the market I suggest you get cracking.

Here is a view of his 1959 World Series Ring.

Here is Jerry's 1981 World Series Trophy.  Just awesome.  Unfortunately, Jerry had retired from the Dodgers in 1987, so it appears he did not receive a 1988 trophy.

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