
Wednesday, August 07, 2013

I am Disgusted! Jackie Robinson/ Pee Wee Reese Statue Defaced with Swastikas

And certain politicians claim there is no racism in America today.

I just got word of a horrible act of vandalism.  It appears to have been perpetrated by folks who continue to live in a different era.  They are people who refuse to accept the equality of men/women and would go too many lengths to assert their supposed birthright of racial superiority. 

At the home of the Brooklyn Cyclones on Coney Island a group of cowards decided to deface a statue that honors Jackie Robinson and Pee Wee Reese.

Via Thomas Tracy & Richard Schapiro of the NY Daily News:
Among the hate-filled messages written in black marker on the monument to Robinson and his Brooklyn Dodgers teammate Pee Wee Reese were: "Heil Hitler," "Die n----r," "F--k n----r" and "F--k Jackie Robinson."

The discovery disgusted the Brooklyn Cyclones organization.

"The statue is a symbol of tolerance," said Billy Harner, director of communications for the Cyclones.
"It's an absolute tragedy that someone would deface it the way they did."
The nativist will never learn.  Their time has past.  My solace is knowing that our country is changing, and those who resist will be judged by history.  They will be the villains spoken about it the history books - no matter how much they try to stack school boards with like-minded folks.

Pic above via NY Daily News.  Hat Tip: Craig Calcaterra at Hardball Talk.

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