
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Blog Kiosk: 4/23/2014 - Dodger Links - We Do Deserve an Apology

Clayton Kershaw did some heavy lifting yesterday at the Dream Center.  Pic above via Jon SooHoo/LA Dodgers 2014Ken Gurnick at tells us a bit about it here.
  • Via Howard Cole at LA Weekly, "Time Warner Owes Us an Apology. And So Do the Dodgers."  I've been agnostic about this whole situation, but am finding myself more disturbed about it.  Howard is right, at some point, if this ever gets worked out, they (and I mean all of them-Dodgers-TWC-Comcast-DISH-etc.-All of Them) owe fans an apology.  A quote from Howard's piece is below:
Love does not mean never having to say you're sorry. In fact, an apology of some sort is definitely indicated when the tear-jerker of a love story we're talking about is Dodger baseball - - and the Southland's inability to cherish what is nearly as precious to many of us as a family member.
"The plays that you're supposed to make, you've got to make," he said. "Simple as that."
  • Chad Moriyama at Dodgers Digest writes a, "Down On The Farm Update: Games Of 4/15 – 4/21."
  • Jon Weisman at Dodger Insider tells us about Adult Baseball Camp in November at Historic Dodgertown in Vero Beach.
  • Jon also shares a video of Clayton Kershaw's most recent bullpen throwing session, here.  He is throwing to Don Mattingly.
  • Via Eric Stephen at True Blue LA, "Chad Billingsley to receive PRP injection Wednesday."
  • Via Ken Gurnick at, "Guerrero's Triple-A tear creates buzz."
  • Dustin Nosler at Dodgers Digest shares a prospect report, "Jonathan Martinez off to strong start in Great Lakes."
  • Ken Levine, formerly of Dodger Talk, sums up my feelings about Linkedin precisely. Heck, I kinda feel that way about all the social networks.  I am constantly surprised at how folks take any of it seriously, yet I understand and appreciate the importance that the self-promotion provides.  A comment I read on Ken's post really rings true:
LinkedIn is like a bunch of people at a marketing/networking conference seminar at a crappy hotel: Everyone spends their time standing around touching all the donuts in the back, not really knowing anyone, and trying not to seem out of touch or awkward. Nobody knows how to really use the damn thing, why they're even there, or why it even matters beyond "I got sent here because the boss thinks this is important somehow ... but I get a free day out of the office, so I'm kinda all good".

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