As unbelievable as it may seem, the Dodger have joined the MLB masses by adding a new entertaining element to their game. It is something I didn't think would ever happen, but here it is. We are on the dawn of something wonderful, terrible or frightening - depending on your perspective.
Today, on this April morn, the Dodgers have announced that they have added a mascot, and considering the teams recent trip 'Down Under' it should come as no surprise who it is.

After all, what would be a better way to celebrate the most hospitable folks of Australia and, at the same time, pay homage to a former stuffed marsupial that used to be an unofficial mascot for the team so many decades ago? Heck, even our celebrated muse, Vin Scully, had a memorable run-in with the real thing a couple of weeks ago that
went viral for all the world to see.
Folks, here is our new Dodger Mascot. Please say hello to Charlie - Charlie the Dodger Koala!
As you may have already guessed, he is named after the original owner of the Dodgers, Charlie Byrne. (BTW, there's even more fantastic news below, so don't stop reading.)
And, as you can see below, he has already greeted some of our favorite Dodgers.
It makes perfect sense that 'Uribear' would be overjoyed with Charlie.
As promised, here is some news that is even bigger than Charlie. To introduce our new furry friend to the masses will be pop star Rebecca Black. She will debut her very new single called, "I Like Charlie Best," before an Opening Day crowd at Dodger Stadium on Friday, April 4th. I am wondering if it'll be a duet with Robin Thicke, since
he'll also be at Dodger Stadium to entertain the fans.
This post is made with my deepest apologies to Jon SooHoo, TMZ and Ms. Black for commandeering some of their photos. I am a very bad man.