Thank you, Vin!

BTW, the LAFD were first to welcome Vin back home after yesterday's game. They performed their own unique salute at the airport to the retiring Hall of Famer.
Go here to watch a bit of it. The photo on the right via the
LAFD on flickr.
Photo at the very top via
Jon SooHoo/LA Dodgers 2016.
Go here to check out a bunch of great pics from Vin's last here by Jon. Below are more links to check out:
- This Day in Dodgers History: In 1951 Bobby Thompson of the NY Giants hit the most infamous home run in Dodgers franchise history. He whalloped an Ralph Branca pitch in the ninth inning at the Polo Grounds for a walk-off victory, 5-4, during the deciding game of a three-game series to decide who would go to the World Series. The homer has since been dubbed the "shot heard ’round the world." In 2005 manager Jim Trace is fired by the Dodgers.
- Happy Birthday, Brock Stewart!