
Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Blog Kiosk: 6/9/2020 - Dodgers Links & News - Some Odds and Ends

Featured above is a October 2, 1951 Sporting News press photo featuring a rain delayed Polo Grounds -- just before the Dodgers and Giants would play Game 2 of the three-game playoff to decide the pennant. This pic is found on Ebay (link) and was originally taken by Paul Tepley.

As you know, the Dodgers would eventually win this game, 10-0, before losing to the Giants the following day, on Bobby Thomson's miraculous walk-off homer.

Below are more links to check out:
  • This Day in Dodgers HistoryIn 1919 Dodgers starter and Hall of Famer Rube Marquard breaks his leg running the bases during the game against Cincinnati, ending his season. This next one is wild. In 1945 it was alleged that a recent medically discharged soldier was assaulted by Dodger manager Leo Durocher as he was being held by a Brooklyn patrolman during the sixth inning of that afternoons ballgame at Ebbets Field. He sustained a fractured jaw and other wounds. It is alleged that he was heckling Brooklyn's manager during the game. Durocher would be arrested the next day on felonious assault, but charges would be dropped soon thereafter after the fan receives over $6,000 from the Dodgers for his injuries. Branch Rickey would later defend Durocher, saying we are a "team of ferocious gentleman." In 1955 the Dodgers traded Joe Black to the Reds for Bob BorowskiIn 1990 Eddie Murray hit a home run from both sides of the plate in the game against the Padres in San Diego.  Having done this for the tenth time in his career, he ties a MLB record with Mickey Mantle.
  • Happy Birthday, Duke EsterbrookZac RosscupMack Wheat, Joe Kelly & Irish Meusel!
  • YouTube: AJ Ellis joined IT on the MLB Network to discuss Clayton Kershaw's no-hitter and more (YouTube Link).
  • We are not in a good place. Per Bob Nightengale at USA Today -- "MLB Players Association considers MLB's latest offer that includes 76-game season a 'step backwards'"
  • Cecil Cooperstown shares a fun drawing of a Davey Lopes Baseball card. Check it out here.
  • Here's a fun flashback! Via Tristan Jung at FanDuel -- "VIDEO: Remembering the Dodgers Ball Girl's Unreal Catch One Year Later."
  • Per Tim Brown at Yahoo Sports -- "1992 L.A. riots: The night baseball was merely a bystander."

“He was so serious,” said Dave Hansen, the Dodgers’ third baseman that night. “Billy was never that serious.”
Still, Scioscia said, “None of us understood the magnitude of what was happening. 

“Nobody thought much of it leading up to the game. Like, when you’re in that baseball season, everything else is muted. Everyone understood what happened to Rodney King. Everyone understood the trial was going on. I don’t think anyone said the verdict is coming down today there might be something … ”

“He’s definitely a good guy for doing that,” said Long. “If you think about it, the guy hasn’t played a game with the Dodgers, and he sees a moment of struggle for the guys underneath and he has all our backs. That was really cool to see.”
Long had found out about Price’s plan a while ago on a Zoom call, but Price didn’t want it made public. Of course, word eventually got out a couple of weeks ago. 

“It just shows you what kind of guy he is,” Long noted. “He wanted no part of publicity, not for the papers or social media, he’s not posting about it. It was really cool. We kept it on the down-low, and everybody’s obviously thankful.”
  • Listen to this. David Price on The Big Swing with Ross Stripling and Cooper Sules, via twitter:

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