
Wednesday, January 08, 2020

Blog Kiosk: 1/8/22020 - Dodgers Links & News - Some Odds and Ends

Check out this fantastic action photo of Jackie Robinson manning his position at second base (eBay link). Per the descriptor on the reverse:
Chicago Cubs Gene Hermanski lies flat for the slide on a second frame force as Dodgers second sacker Jackie Robinson fires to Gil Hodges at first for a double play, Aug. 25, at Ebbets Field. Bruce Edwards rolled to third sacker Billy Cox who flipped to Robinson for the play. 8/25/51.
Unfortunately, the Dodgers would not prevail in this game. They would lose, 5-1. Below are more links to check out:
  • This Day in Dodgers HistoryIn 1956 Jackie Robinson is awarded the prestigious Spingarn Medal by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People for his strong support of civil rights initiatives. Martin Luther King Jr. was given the honor the prior year. In 2011 tragedy struck. In Tucson, AZ US Rep. Gabby Giffords is shot and severely injured in an assassination attempt during a constituent meeting held in a supermarket parking lot. She would survive, but others did not. Christina-Taylor Green, 9-year old daughter of Dodgers scout John Green (also grand daughter of former ballplayer Dallas Green), is killed -- along with five other folks. Please check out this fantastic story from late-2018 by Katrina Bland at AZ Central -- "Christina-Taylor Green (who had mad baseball skills) is still surprising her parents." 
  • Happy BirthdayBreyvic Valera, Chauncey FisherBrian Johnson Derek Thompson!